Imagine being trapped with 13 sailors in an iron tube 28 meters long and 3.2 meters wide. Imagine that you have neither a functioning oxygen supply
nor light in this tube. Now imagine being aground with this iron coffin 60 meters underwater and being tossed around wildly by a sea storm. This is
the story of UB2.
With their latest EP "U-Bootsmann" Kanonenfieber treats the story of the crew of the submarine UB2, which was commissioned on February 20, 1915. Led by naval officer Werner Fürbringer, the UB2 was involved in
Germany's naval barrage against England.
With a mixture of melodic black and death metal, the band attempts to soundtrack the nerve-wracking story of the sailors on their first blood
voyage. The rage-filled opener "Kampf und Sturm" tells the story of the submarine's first underwater attack. The second song, "Die Havarie," sets
to music the incredible hardships the submarine's crew had to endure to make it home despite a broken clutch.